The Face of the Enemy (16)Full unit name: The Face of the Enemy
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:34:24
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Tython
Events: Flesh Raider Uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (12)
This event took place on the planet Tython
during the Flesh Raider uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
After completing the assignment
Enemy Force
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
at the Ancient Shrine in Lower Kaleth, the Apprentice
Hero of Tython
Major Characters
returned to Kalikori village and met with Master
Jedi Master
Orgus Din
Supporting Characters
. Din told the Apprentice that Master Kiwiiks
Bela Kiwiiks
Minor Characters (TOR)
had shared with him what had happened at the shrine, but while Kiwiiks thought the Flesh Raiders
Flesh Raider
Sentient Species
had learned how to use the Force from the ancient holocron, he was afraid it wasn't the case. Din revealed the identity of the hooded figure from T7
(T7-series Astromech Droid)
's holorecording - his former apprentice Bengel Morr
Bengel Morr
Supporting Characters
, who had been present in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant
during the sacking
Sacking of Coruscant
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
of the capital by the Sith Empire. Morr had been presumed dead, but he now seemed determined to destroy the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Ranna Tao'Ven
Ranna Tao'Ven
Minor Characters (TOR)
, the daughter of the deathly ill Matriarch Sumari
Minor Characters (TOR)
, entered the room and informed the Jedi that she had received information from her scouts about the location of a Flesh Raider command base in the native-controlled Tythos Ridge mountains. Unfortunately for the Jedi, the base was protected by an energy shield. The shield generator was located in a cave system in a different mountain nearby, and the shield needed to go down before the Jedi could attack.
Din was confident that the Flesh Raiders
Flesh Raider Forces
Planetary and Sector
coordinated all their attacks from that base and tasked his Padawan with disabling the shield while he went to infiltrate
Assault on the Flesh Raider Command Base
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the base. T7 also asked to perform high-level scan of enemy forces because mountain paths were too dangerous for him to traverse.
The Apprentice met with another Jedi
Major Characters
- a Padawan to Master Yuon Par
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters
who was on a separate mission
Hunter's Eye
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
- and they decided to join forces for a while. Ascending through the Tythos Ridge mountain paths to the cave, the Duo killed
Clear Out Tythos Ridge
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
many Flesh Raiders. Inside the cave the Apprentices killed many Flesh Raiders and their domesticated manka cats
Manka Cat
. After they parted ways, the Apprentice defeted the last guards led by massive chieftain and activated the generator console and shutted down the energy shield protecting the Flesh Raider command base.
Once the shield was down, Bengel Morr contacted the Apprentice via the console's holocom. He said that the attacks on his troops did not achieve anything, and the death
Attack of the Flesh Raiders
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
of his apprentice Callef
Minor Characters (TOR)
was also a mistake - Morr spent years training him and considered him a good and principled man. The apprentice countered that Callef killed Padawans
Jedi Padawan
, but Morr countered that he placed too much responsibility on Callef too soon, his impatience for justice being his only failure. Before turning off the call, he added that all Jedi must die because they are weak and have done nothing to stop the advance of the Sith Empire - the Order must be reborn and become strong again in order to defeat the Sith. The Apprentice decided to go back to the Kalikori village to find Master Din and warn him of Morr's threats.
The Apprentice returned to the village, informed Ranna Tao'Ven that the shield was down, and asked if there was any news of Master Din. Ranna grimly revealed that her mother had died and she was now the Matriarch. At that moment, Eseni
Minor Characters (TOR)
, one of the Pilgrims, rushed into the building and told Ranna that she had seen how the Flesh Raiders seed the village's crop fields with toxin mines, and how one of the scout collapsed from the toxic fumes as he approached one of the mines. Tao'Ven and Eseni begged the Padawan to help them against the Flesh Raiders, they were sure that the Jedi were strong and could withstand the effects of the poison. The Apprentice was successful in destroying three toxin mines and killing the saboteurs, saving the village's food supply.
Returning to the Matriarch's building, the apprentice was thanked by Tao'Ven for the help. After giving the Jedi a token of the village's thanks, she left to tell the village the good news. The apprentice, meanwhile, contacted Master Din via holocomm and learned of his success against the Flesh Raiders. When the Padawan informed Din of Morr's goal of destroying the Jedi so he could ultimately rebuild them and destroy the Sith, he was relieved to hear that his former apprentice was not a Sith himself. During the attack on the Flesh Raiders' command base, Din had found the locations of many other camps - too many camps for the Jedi Council to only send Jedi Masters. As a result, Din requested that his apprentice take out the base located in the ruins of Kaleth, since the apprentice had already defeated some of the natives who had been based at that camp.


See also
Related organizations
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Padawan Hero of TythonJedi Master Orgus DinRanksJedi PadawanHero of TythonJedi MasterOrgus DinWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH5 Jedi LightsaberOrgus Din
Flesh Raider ForcesStructureCharactersBengel MorrSentient speciesFlesh RaiderNautolanBengel MorrCreaturesManka CatWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 BlasterL6 RifleL3 ElectrobladeL4 Electroblade
Twi'lek PilgrimsStructureCharactersRanna Tao'VenEseniSentient speciesTwi'lekRanna Tao'VenEseniWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 BlasterRanna Tao'VenEseniL3 ElectrobladeRanna Tao'Ven
Related units, characters and other technologies
Hero of TythonMembershipJedi OrderJedi Padawan Hero of TythonRelationsOrgus Din (Master)
Orgus DinMembershipJedi OrderJedi Master Orgus DinWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH5 Jedi LightsaberRelationsHero of Tython (Apprentice)
Bengel MorrMembershipFlesh Raider Forces
EseniMembershipTwi'lek PilgrimsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 Blaster
Ranna Tao'VenMembershipTwi'lek PilgrimsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 BlasterL3 Electroblade
Manka CatUsed byFlesh Raider Forces
Flesh RaiderWere among members ofFlesh Raider Forces
NautolanWere among members ofFlesh Raider ForcesBengel Morr
Twi'lekWere among members ofTwi'lek PilgrimsRanna Tao'VenEseni
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderHero of Tython
Jedi MasterMembershipJedi OrderOrgus Din
Complete list

Full unit name: The Face of the Enemy Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:34:24